This guide will demonstrate how to access and use the directory with the iPECS UCE for Windows Desktop.
Select the ‘contacts’ icon from the left-hand side menu.
Your contacts will be divided into three tabs: Organisation, Shared and Private.
Organisation is a list of colleagues from your organisation, which you can separate into categories via the app (e.g. by department). To view a contact, click on the relevant section. You’ll be able to see whether they’re available or not for an audio or video call.
To call or contact, you can right-click and choose any of their numbers available in the directory, through a range of mediums, such as an instant message or email.
Shared contacts will show in your system directory. This is a full list of contacts available to everyone using the UCE application. This can be updated in iPECS Cloud by the system administrator.
Private is a list of your own private contacts. Click on the person with a plus sign to create a new contact.
Go to application settings to sync your private directory with your Outlook contacts.
You can search for a contact in the search bar, by name or organisation.
If you have any questions regarding the UCE app, please contact Your Comms Group.