How to Create & Manage Hunt Group through the iPECS Cloud Portal

A hunt group allows calls to a single phone number to be distributed across multiple users. To achieve this, first, go to the left-hand side of the portal and select Call Manager > Hunt Group > Add, then enter a name into the group name field. This will be shown to extensions within the group on an inbound call. 

Give the group a representative number. 

Select the hunt group type. This can be Circular, which rings handsets in a sequence known as a Round Robin, First Idle, which will call the handset that took the last call into the group, Longest Idle, which will call the person who took the call the longest time ago, or Multi-Ring, which will ring all handsets simultaneously. 

Then set ‘ring to busy member when idle’ and ‘group no answer forward priority’ to use. You can enter a direct dial number if you would like to route your calls here by an external number. 

Next, select a time schedule for the hunt group to be active within. Scroll down to the member section, and click ‘change’ to add users, by selecting the tickbox by their name, followed by the left arrow. 

Edit the call forwarding options by clicking the ‘options’ tab. 

Select Type > Use to always forward calls to the group.

All member is busy/unregistered will forward calls in the event that all members are busy.

No answer will forward the call if not answered in a set amount of time, and queuing overflow/no answer which uses a call queue with a maximum queue time, after which the call is forwarded. Enter where the call will be forwarded to in the destination field – either an external number, internal extension or voicemail.

You can set a no answer timer for the forward to come into effect, as well as upload a greeting to be played when the hunt group is called. 

Select ‘immediate processing’ and members of the hunt group will be called whilst the caller listens to the message. Processing after greeting guarantees that the caller hears the greeting before members of the hunt group are called.  

You can set ‘call queuing’ on your hunt group. The number of calls to queue can be entered into the queue length field, and an announcement file can be played while the calls are queued. 

A maximum duration can be set for the queue before the call is forwarded to the location set above.

For more information, contact Your Comms Group.


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